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Month: September 2023

Oldies: Sound That Rocks

The 50’s kicked off rock and roll. Bill Haley and his Comets got it jump-started in 1955 with their jukebox hit Rock Around the Clock – and we’ve been rockin’ ever since! Take a step into the land of oldies with the sound that rocks from the 50’s through the 80’s....

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From the Oldies Vault: Fearless Funk

Fans of funk, both young and old, will enjoy diving into the Vault of Fearless Funk because nothing beats original old-school. Being old-school myself, there are days when I’m loving psychedelic blasts from the past or just some pure pristine oldies pop.  But other...

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A Mansion For Murder by Frances Brody

It’s 1930. Kate Shackleton is a widow. Her husband died on the Battlefield of the Great War. In those times it was rare to come across a woman private investigator – but there she was, struggling with her career like so many others – the war had taken its toll....

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Mugshots of Manhattan by Christin Brecher

This refreshing uptown cozy wowed me right from the very beginning with it’s “3-day red carpet extravaganza” being hosted by Grammy-Award winning superstar, Bisa. Twenty eight-year-old Liv Spyers has a small photography studio and living quarters in the downstairs of...

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Born With Faith

I was born with faith and will keep the faith until I draw my last breath. As we go through life, it’s important, now more than ever, that we keep the faith. KEEP THE FAITH: 3 powerful words to help us get through the toughest of times. And where would we be without...

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