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Month: June 2022

It’s A New Era of God

These last few years have seen a lot of changes – not just here in the United States, but around the entire globe. We’ve faced challenges never seen before – and we’ve dealt (and are still dealing) with many of them. Things seem “different” and in some cases “off”...

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Dairy, Dairy, Quite Contrary by Amy Lillard

Twenty-nine year old Sissy Yoder has packed up her bags and Duke (her Yorkshire terrier) –she’s not gettin’ outta Dodge – she’s gettin’ out of Tulsa, Oklahoma. Seems like things just weren’t working out in Tulsa, especially when it came to her cowboy boyfriend. Now...

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EZ Cold Plate Lunches for Hot Days

When the scorching summer sun really kicks in, there’s no better time than to fix yourself a cold plate for lunch or dinner. When temperatures stay hot and humid, who wants to slave over a hot stove (not me). That’s the ease and beauty of cold plates on hot days....

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