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From the Vinyl Gym: Oldies Rocks!

Music can hold cherished memories for most of us. That’s why it’s important to take a step back in time and enter the Vinyl Gym where you can give these rockin’ oldies a real workout. Not only can they bring back a flood of memories, but they are also great for...

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Take The Honey And Run by Jennie Marts

Here’s a new cozy mystery debut you won’t want to miss: Take The Honey and Run, A Bee Keeping Mystery by Jennie Marts. Successful mystery writer, Bailey Briggs, packs up her teenage daughter, Daisy, and their dog, Cooper, and heads for the hills – literally. She’s...

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God’s Commandments

As a kid, every Sunday my sister and I would attend Sunday School in our small and quaint little town. I still have fond memories of all the lessons learned on those sunny Sunday mornings. One of the first things I remember learning was the 10 Commandments. One day I...

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Ideas and Projects To Chase Away Those Winter Blues

Chase away those winter blues and use the dreary months of Winter to get a head-start on spring! Spring WILL arrive, but in the meantime, here are some ideas and projects that are best accomplished in Winter: UPGRADE YOUR PATIO, DECK OR OUTDOOR SITTING AREA: Plan now...

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More New Kensington Mystery Series

Introducing our new series starters beginning in May and carrying you all the way through July! Now is the perfect time to check out our books below along with the links to pre-order: MAY 2025 HOW TO HAVE A KILLER TIME IN DC, Oliver Popp’s Travel Guides to...

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More Glorious Bean Recipes

MORE GLORIOUS BEAN RECIPES – PERFECT FOR THOSE CHILLY DAYS! Looking for ways to stretch the family food budget? Beans are not only inexpensive, but healthy – and so many varieties to choose from! Here are some more ideas for easy bean dishes.  These are basic recipes...

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