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Grab His Hand (& Hang on Tight)

Most of us have seen those “cliffhanger” movies. Someone has slid helplessly down the side of a treacherous cliff or mountain and just as they are about to fall to certain death, a hand reaches down, grabs their wrist, and pulls them to safety. Each and every one of...

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Today’s Word: Resilience

Definition of Resilience: The capability to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness, springing back into shape. In today’s world with all the challenges we have faced and will face, resilience has become not only a critical, but necessary part of our lives. It...

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God Is Our Rock: This Is How We Roll

God has always been our rock. We don’t see Him floating about– in fact, we don’t see Him at all. But He is always there – and whether we realize it or not, He is always within our grasp – we just need to reach out especially when things get tough. Life can be...

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PPF Blessings

It was a chilly morning – a mere 28 degrees, as I sat outside on my favorite garden bench with a steaming cup of coffee. I was surrounded by the incredible red, orange and yellow fall foliage that was so intense that the colors bounced like laser beams off the bright...

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The Importance of SPF Prayers

While we all think of SPF as sunscreen protection, I think of SPF prayers. SPF lotion shields us from the harmful rays of the sun, but God’s SPF shields and protects our every day life. We all need His SPF – let me explain these 3 powerful letters. S is for SPIRITUAL...

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God, Serenity, Courage, Wisdom

In times of distress or hardship, the four most important words of the Serenity Prayer come to mind: God, Serenity, Courage and Wisdom. For those of you who are not familiar with this prayer, it dates back to the 1930’s/40’s and is credited to a German-American...

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Taking the “Dis” out of Discouraged

According to the dictionary, the definition of discouraged is having lost confidence or enthusiasm, disheartened. Unfortunately, it was incredibly easy to become discouraged when Covid seeped its way quietly throughout the world – them BAM, it struck like a bolt of...

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Roaring With Attitude

Whether you are retired, semi-retired or still working, your days can get pretty busy — maybe even out of control busy. Some days I find my TO DO list is so long, that even a legal size tablet sheet of paper isn’t enough! For those days when I have deadlines...

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