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The R’s Have It: Refresh, Renew, Risen, Re-birth, Rejoice

I always think of springtime as the season of “R’s.” Winter has finally shed it’s blustery skin and Spring quietly moseys on in! Buds on the trees seem to suddenly burst into bloom and birds are busy building new nests to host their new families.

Springtime brings thoughts of Refreshing and Renewing – kicking many of us into gear to do some serious “spring cleaning” and Re-organizing. There’s also a distinctive scent in the air – fresh, clean. The sights and smells of spring can be Rejuvenating. Colorful flowers host soon-to-be-butterflies and around this time of year, the beauty and sweet smell of Easter lilies can be found in many homes and churches.

And as we celebrate spring, it’s important to recognize the positivity of Renewing and Revitalizing not just our homes, but our daily thoughts. Spring is the perfect time to Revamp and de-clutter our minds. Throw out that negative junk that’s been weighing us down. “Reset” ourselves for a more positive attitude – God knows, it’s not always easy!

Take some positive “me time” for yourself. Enjoy those sunny spring days. Grab a cup of your favorite beverage “to go” and head out to your local nature trail or park – take a stroll through the neighborhood or even just enjoy studying your own backyard.

Ever consider finding a great nature spot and just sitting with a sketchpad and pencils? You don’t have to be an artist to just doodle some inspiring images or even loosely sketch some garden or other projects (with notations) that you may want to tackle this spring.

Yes, spring is GLORIOUS! And with all the fabulous things we love about spring, this time of year is absolutely critical to everyone. Why? Because this is also the time of year when we acknowledge and celebrate the life, death and re-birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Jesus paid the ultimate price so our sin’s would be washed away – so we would have eternal life. His suffering of being nailed to the cross was barbaric – unimaginable cruelty, and FOR WHAT? FOR US! No matter our own trials and tribulations as we walk on life’s trails, nothing can come even close to what Jesus sacrificed to save us all.

Yes, it is humbling and sorrowful to think about. But with death comes everlasting life. The death of Jesus brought His Re-birth, and He has RISEN – IT’S TIME TO REJOICE!

Celebrate spring and new beginnings – our slate is wiped clean, we are debt-free: Jesus Paid Our Bill In Full!