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The Importance of SPF Prayers

While we all think of SPF as sunscreen protection, I think of SPF prayers. SPF lotion shields us from the harmful rays of the sun, but God’s SPF shields and protects our every day life. We all need His SPF – let me explain these 3 powerful letters.

S is for SPIRITUAL STRENGTH AND WELLNESS – No matter your faith or religion, where would any of us be without faith? Our faith will help us get through the most challenging and trying times. Our faith is our rock…and that’s why the “S” is the first and most vital letter in our prayers. Without our spiritual strength and wellness, we are truly lost.

Even if things are going well or even ok, it’s still important to channel our spiritual strength. Drawing from our spiritual strength every day will make us stronger so that when bad things happen (and we all know at some point they will) – we’ll be more prepared, more resilient.

P is for PHYSICAL AND MENTAL WELLNESS – Physical and mental wellness are also critical in our daily lives. If you or a loved one has suffered from a serious physical illness, you realize the importance of feeling good the minute you wake up each morning. Mental wellness is just as important. Beginning each day with an attitude of gratitude and the mental stamina to take on the world, no matter what it may throw your way, is also a key to physical wellness.

A good attitude helps eliminate stress – stress runs down your immune system and that leaves you open to plenty of illnesses. Physical and mental health go hand in hand…pray for a healthy balance.

F is for FINANCIAL SECURITY – We all want to have a decent roof over our head and food on the table. Life may not always be easy, but being able to pay the basic bills to keep us well and safe is something never to be taken for granted. Having a job is also a blessing, especially in these challenging times. While it may not be your “dream” job – if it’s providing you with a place to live and food in your stomach, that’s a major blessing – many folks out there are having a hard time paying their rent or feeding their families.

In today’s ever-changing world, it’s crucial we think of SPF in our daily prayers, not just for ourselves, but for our family, friends and those who we do not personally know. I am always sad when I think about folks that are lost and lonely – and those who do not have many (if any) friends or relatives. Entire families are struggling, not just here, but around the world. Covid, fires, hurricanes and other life-threatening events shatter lives. They all need our SPF prayers – you and I need SPF prayers – in short, EVERYONE needs SPF prayers.

Apply your SPF Prayers daily and liberally – it’s God’s personal sunscreen.