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Plain and Simple: Thankful

You know 2024 is starting to gallop off into the sunset when stores are brimming with Thanksgiving and Holiday specials. TV stations go into overdrive with their sweet, syrupy marathon Holiday movies (and there’s NOTHING wrong with that) – and folks are turning their thoughts to turkey dinners, cooking, baking and shopping.

Now is a good time to reflect on the year slipping away, and the new one coming at us faster than a freight train. It’s also a good time to be extra thankful for our blessings – too many to count – too many that we may have taken for granted.

Even during challenging times, let us never lose sight of blessings from the past, the present and the future. When challenges and obstacles are put in our path, they are a test of our faith and beliefs. Will we keep the faith in bad times or crumble and fall – giving up on God and prayer?

NO! Because life is meant to be challenging to help us become stronger in our faith and beliefs. It’s important to be thankful no matter what the circumstances. Having food on our table, a safe roof over our head and good health are all major blessings. Things like TV, Internet, a movie or nice restaurant dinner are all blessings that are easy to overlook.

Take a look at your surroundings right now. Are you nestled in a safe, cozy bed? Maybe you’re getting ready to attend a family feast – or maybe you already had the feast and are just relaxing. Maybe you’re drinking a holiday latte at your favorite coffee shop. All these good things around you, no matter how simple or complicated, add quality to your life – they are blessings.

Be thankful for family and friends. Be thankful for gardens, woods, wildlife and our cherished pets. Be thankful for your job and opportunities. Be thankful for each and every day. Never take any day for granted. The list of blessings and reasons to be thankful is endless!

A wise man once told me that at 83, he wasn’t as fast as he used to be, and he had plenty of ailments to contend with. Yet he was still thankful to wake up each morning and simply couldn’t wait to discover what the new day held for him – be it good, bad or challenging. His mind was still sharp as a tack and he started every morning with a prayer of thankfulness.

This is the perfect time of year to sit back and reflect on all your blessings.

The joyous Thanksgiving season is here. Start your morning with a prayer of thankfulness – be thankful 24/7 for your blessings: great and small; past, present and future. Plain and simple: Thankful.