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God’s Vortex

I still get the daily newspaper. It’s a mix of news topics: good, bad, indifferent, helpful, etc. All of these articles reflect the times we live in and what’s going on around our world.

It’s a beautiful spring morning. After I read my morning paper, I took my coffee outside and parked myself on my special bench to have an early chat with God. Needless to say, the news today was extra sad – devastation from tornadoes in the south, school shooting in Nashville — on and on it went. I did a lot of praying.

“Vortex,” by definition, is a whirling mass moving in a circular motion being pulled into the center. And that’s how I saw the world this morning. “We” are in the vortex being drawn to the center – and at the center is everything — our faith, our God.

The world is rapidly changing and there’s no stopping it. But as we go about our daily lives, it’s important to remember that we are all caught up in the vortex of life. How we live our lives is up to us. Think about it: the old saying “reap what you sow” is more relevant than ever.

Do we create a positive atmosphere around us and let ourselves be drawn into the center of the vortex, bringing us closer to God? Or do we just let ourselves float around, caught in a meaningless and endless vacuum? Life is a gift – we only get one crack at it – make it meaningful. While there is so much negativity in the world right now, don’t let yourself lose sight of the good things life has to offer.

Our mother lived to be over 90. Even with all her mental and physical health problems, she never failed to see the good in people and was always thankful. When she was no longer able to go to church or get out of her home, she wasn’t bitter. Every day she stayed current via the TV – watching the news, talk shows and enjoying sitcoms. And in spite of being home-bound, not a day went by when she didn’t remind us how blessed she was to have a safe roof over her head, food on the table and a family that loved her.

The point is, when it comes to living a positive life, age has no boundaries. Whether you are young or old, or somewhere in between, be aware of all your blessings both great and small. Stay strong in your faith – stay focused on your life’s goals and if you are able, help others in need.

Let yourself be drawn closer to God – to the center of the vortex. Through good times and bad times, He is always there with an extended hand – grab it and let Him pull you in.