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God’s Commandments

As a kid, every Sunday my sister and I would attend Sunday School in our small and quaint little town. I still have fond memories of all the lessons learned on those sunny Sunday mornings. One of the first things I remember learning was the 10 Commandments. One day I...

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New Era Of God: 2025

2025 feels extra special. It just seems like there’s an excitement in the air about this particular New Year. Maybe it’s because the last few years have been rough for so many folks. Maybe it’s because the year ends in “25” – a silver year. Or maybe it’s because it...

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Into The New Year: 2025

There’s something special about a “new year” – it’s a reset, a fresh start – and for many (especially if they’ve had a challenging year), a way to move forward with a positive attitude. This year, instead of making the “traditional” new year’s resolutions, why not...

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God’s Lantern: Shining Bright On Christmas Eve

The holidays are the most special time of the year on so many levels. The darkness of winter takes a break as holiday lights seem to spring up overnight, illuminating the winter sky with bursts of color. Many folks are spending Christmas and/or New Year’s with...

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Plain and Simple: Thankful

You know 2024 is starting to gallop off into the sunset when stores are brimming with Thanksgiving and Holiday specials. TV stations go into overdrive with their sweet, syrupy marathon Holiday movies (and there’s NOTHING wrong with that) – and folks are turning their...

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Concrete Prayers

Life has a way of rattling even the best of us at times. Sometimes you’re on a winning streak – other times you’re on a losing streak. Let’s face it – losing streaks always seem to last “longer” than “winning streaks.” But that’s life – a constant flurry of changes...

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God’s Lantern: A Beacon of Hope

Fall is upon us. The days are getting shorter – darkness falls earlier. But even in the darkness, God shines His lantern. His lantern will always light the way. His lantern is always a beacon of hope. For many of us, the days seem to fly by– maybe because we’re...

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Go With God’s Guidance

Life can always be challenging. It can be like a roller coaster ride filled with ups and downs. Other times, it’s like a rowboat on a quiet pristine lake — calm and soothing. Yes, life has a way of taking our well-laid out plans and then pulling the rug out...

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