In this new cozy mystery series debut, Murder by the Seashore: Scarlett Gardner relocates with her boyfriend, Connor, to open the Palm Trees and Page Turners bookshop in sunny southern California. Connor takes care of the business end, while Scarlett literally runs the...
In 1966, singer/songwriter Bob Lind had a hit song: “Elusive Butterfly.” Yup, he was talking about the elusive butterfly of love. But real butterflies can be right under your nose and you might not even realize it.
Spring is here and summer is just around the corner....
“He rocks in the treetops all day long, hoppin’ and a-boppin’ and singing his song…”
Spring and Robins – they go together hand-in-hand. You can’t help but smile when you see a Robin because you know that spring is here! Sure there are plenty of other birds in sight,...
Your bedroom is the last place you see before you fall asleep and the first place you see when you wake up to a brand new day. That makes your bedroom extra special.
You don’t have to break the bank to make your bedroom comfy and cozy. You spend approximately one-third...
Spring is here! Thinking about hosting a lunch or brunch for Good Friday or Easter with a few friends or family?
Take the stress off yourself so you have time to enjoy your guests and actually spend some quality time with them. Here’s some EASY food ideas, most of which...
So much fabulous music through the decades! So many great songs. So many great artists! So many riffs, beats – and grooves! Take a stroll down Memory Lane and re-visit these hits from the past. Ramsey Lewis got grooves. Prince got grooves. The Dells got grooves. The Isley...
Here’s a healthy and delicious free-style recipe idea for tea lovers.
Making your own fruity tea is easy and is sure to take the chill off of a wet or cold day. But even better: it adds a boost of natural vitamins (and who doesn’t want that?), And when the weather turns...
Songs of love have been around forever. It’s still fun to re-visit love-happy and romantic oldies from the past. Each decade brings a host of hits featuring “love.”
Mary Wells gave us My Guy. The Temptations gave us My Girl. Billy Joel bragged about his Uptown...