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Watch Those Flowers Grow!

Planting seeds is not only easy, but economical! These days, flowers and plants at garden centers are going for some hefty prices. While some flowers/plants are difficult to grow from seeds, others are not. Check out your local garden centers or even dollar stores,...

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Elusive Butterflies

In 1966, singer/songwriter Bob Lind had a hit song: “Elusive Butterfly.” Yup, he was talking about the elusive butterfly of love. But real butterflies can be right under your nose and you might not even realize it. Spring is here and summer is just around the...

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Robins: The Icons of Spring

“He rocks in the treetops all day long, hoppin’ and a-boppin’ and singing his song…” Spring and Robins – they go together hand-in-hand. You can’t help but smile when you see a Robin because you know that spring is here! Sure there are plenty of other birds in...

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There’s an overwhelming freshness when it comes to spring!  While I love the sweet fragrances of hyacinths and lilies of the valley that fill the air, there’s something soothing and wonderful when it comes to the smell of fresh mint plants. With so many varieties of...

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An Old Hat Can Become A Bird’s New Nest

Spring is here and birds are anxiously scoping out places to build their nests.  Here’s an idea for not only recycling, but helping our feathered friends. After our mother passed on, we were left with a lot of her clothing and other personal items. Among those items...

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