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What’s In Your Toolbox?

Sometimes we all feel like life is dragging us down.   These days we can feel “off kilter” for so many reasons.  Health, finances, unemployment, loneliness, etc. etc.  For many, it can be a challenging and worrying time, particularly this year.

But when you’re feeling down, it’s the best time to count your blessings and get out your “toolbox.”  I’m not talking about your junk drawer filled with a screwdrivers, nails and hammers or that shiny red metal box in your garage…I’m talking about “God’s Toolbox” – and we ALL have one!

His tools come in many forms.   Prayer is the “ultimate tool”.  If there’s any one tool that can fix anything, it is the power of prayer.  It helps us weather powerful storms….gets us through insurmountable tragedy….helps us go forward into the future.

But there’s also other tools in His toolbox, and they come in very subtle forms.  He may have filled your toolbox with people – people that can help you in your time of need.   Even during these social distancing times, a phone call to a friend or family member can be an uplifting tool to help you stay grounded.

Perhaps you are racking your brain to come up with the right business decision.  A business associate or acquaintance can be a “tool” to help you improve your business through their ideas, knowledge or advice.  Even a business class or seminar may be the “tool” that holds the answer to making the right decision.  These days there’s virtual classes for just about everything.

Another of God’s tools is “opportunity.”  Sometimes subtle opportunities surround us that can make a positive impact on our life, but we either don’t notice them or just neglect to follow up on them.  It’s those quiet opportunities that are so easy to pass by.  We may miss out on a wonderful life-changing experience by not using the tool of “opportunity”.

Family, friends and our pets – ALL “tools” given to us to help us get through good times and bad times.

And YOU have been placed in someone else’s toolbox.  Perhaps an elderly friend needs a sympathetic ear.  Maybe someone is in desperate need of a ride to the doctor.  Maybe a church pantry needs you to drop off groceries.  Maybe a friend or family member is distraught and needs someone to turn to…the list is endless.

We can go bumping along, trying to find our way on our own – or we can pull out God’s toolbox to get things “fixed” to ensure a smooth journey.  We have been provided the tools to help ourselves and others, but will we use them?

Start your day with a prayer of thanks and count your blessings. Then reach into your toolbox to see which of God’s tools you’ll need for today!