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Something To Ponder

It’s the dawn of a new day in this age of the overbearing coronavirus.  Things seem so disjointed, surreal and sometimes, just downright bizarre.

But as I sit outside on my garden bench (coffee in hand), having my morning chat with God, I can’t help but ponder how this pandemic has changed our lives — in many ways forever.

It has made us take a hard look at ourselves and forces us to think about all of the everyday routines we’ve taken for granted…simple things like getting a haircut, retail shopping, meeting friends for dinner, not having to wear a mask, etc.   It has also shown us that we have incredible strength and endurance.  It has brought out our creativity and for some, even hidden talents.  Many folks are doing things they didn’t even realize they could do!

Are we stronger than we realized? Are we scared?  Have we found ourselves risking our own lives to help others?  Have we turned to others with comforting words or even picked up groceries for neighbors that couldn’t leave their home?  Are we realizing that we value our friends and family now more than ever?

In many ways this has taken us back to a simpler time – not unlike families in the 50’s.  Back then, families spent more time together, had more time to bond with their children and the entire family ate dinner at the same table every night.

Families are doing that right now!  With folks being laid off or working from home, they now have time to sit down together and share meals, to talk — to bond — as they all try to get past this time in their lives.  Maybe this is making you hug your kids a little tighter – maybe it’s made you realize how short life can be and how important it is to live each and every day to the fullest.

This terrible virus has shown us the good things people are doing – and in droves.  It shows us those brave, essential people who risk their lives for people – strangers they don’t even know.  It shows us that, yes, we are all bonding closer together while social distancing.  It shows we have faith in God and our country and we know that one day this will pass.

In the meantime, I can’t help but wonder – is this one of God’s ways to make us all slow down, sit back, and re-evaluate our lives and our journey?  Is this His subtle reminder that life is short and we need to make every day count by being the best that we can be? Is He showing us how strong we really are?  Is this a test of faith?

I don’t know the answers – but it’s something I ponder every day.  Whatever your spin on this coronavirus, I hope it has made you realize that you can cope with whatever life throws at you and has made you appreciate friends, family, your home, job, etc., a little more.  Maybe this is a wake-up call to remind everyone that they are stronger than they think and a reminder that every day of life is a true blessing.

Stay safe – help and inspire others – be the strong person you were meant to be – He believes in YOU and is always by your side!