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No Hocus Pocus, Just “Focus”

Sometimes life can get super busy. Sometimes life can get “unruly.” Sometimes you might feel overwhelmed or simply “losing your grip!” That’s when you gotta just STOP! Put the breaks on and FOCUS!

Coming to a screeching halt and re-evaluating tough choices or situations calmly and mindfully, will accomplish more than running around in circles. If multiple problems or decisions are weighing you down, then it’s time to take a deep breath and tackle them one by one.

Focus on “one” of the problems and come up with the solution. Then go on to the next problem – same thing, find the solution, fix it. By focusing on each one individually and solving each problem or decision one at a time, will ultimately have you feeling better because you will have accomplished: An answer. A solution.

When you’re too freaked out to focus, you automatically jump from one issue to another, never resolving anything, never making any headway. Find a quiet spot all to yourself. If you have a lot of things going on, write them down and make a list. BREATHE!

The saying “one day at a time” will never go out of style. Same with situations and decisions. Take them on “one at a time.”

Even if you don’t have tough decisions to make or problems that need to be resolved – take a moment to reflect: Are you rushing around so much you have no time for yourself? Is life passing you by?

If you answered “yes,” then it’s time to slow down and FOCUS! Focus on the important things and the big things. Don’t waste your time on little things that “just don’t matter!” It’s not always easy to do. It’s easy to get into a rut where you’re just doing too much and not stopping to smell those proverbial “roses.” Only YOU can make that change.


1. STOP! Take the time to clear you head and focus.

2. Find a quiet place to simply decompress, deep breathe and re-evaluate.

3. Write down any tough decisions or issues you need to handle and prioritize them.

4. Tackle them one by one. Nail one of them, THEN move onto another.

5. Be sure to make time “quality” time for yourself when things get hectic.

6. Count your blessings and say a quiet prayer of thankfulness.

Counting all your blessings will help remind you that you have so much to be thankful for and will help you to balance out any challenges or obstacles you may be facing. Always remember, God is by your side, lean on Him in times of need – it’s what He does!