God’s Commandments
As a kid, every Sunday my sister and I would attend Sunday School in our small and quaint little town.
I still have fond memories of all the lessons learned on those sunny Sunday mornings. One of the first things I remember learning was the 10 Commandments.
One day I was reflecting on those 10 Commandments and started naming them one by one. To my horror and dismay, I realized that after all these years, I had forgotten some of them!
God’s Commandments are still relevant today. Thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not kill – easy enough to remember. But what about the other 8? Do you remember them all? If so, I applaud you. If not, well, don’t feel too bad – time can take its toll!
But here’s the thing. IF you haven’t remembered all of them, now is the perfect time to re-visit them.
Find a quiet place to jog your memory — name all 10 Commandments, then ponder their meaning. God’s Commandments offer guidance as we continue on life’s journey. And while you’re there pondering away, take the opportunity to say a prayer of thanks for all your blessings – both great and small.
Feeling great? Thank Him. Got problems? Tell Him. The longer our journey, the more important our faith and beliefs become. The more important prayers become. The more important our private one-on-one conversations with God become.
As we all know, life certainly can have its ups and downs. And its those “downs” that can throw each and every one of us for a loop. And IF that happens, this is NOT the time to give up! In fact, it is quite the opposite. It is the time to rise up, take control and stand firm in our belief that God is always by our side – every minute of every day.
And it’s just as important as we stand firm in our beliefs, that we follow God’s Commandments. A harsher word for the Commandments may be “rules,” but I like to think of them as life’s guidelines — guidelines to help each of us stay on track to be the best that we can be.