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PPF Blessings

It was a chilly morning – a mere 28 degrees, as I sat outside on my favorite garden bench with a steaming cup of coffee. I was surrounded by the incredible red, orange and yellow fall foliage that was so intense that the colors bounced like laser beams off the bright sunlight. I took a deep breath and inhaled the incredible fall scent and savored the flavor of another beautiful day. “Today” is a PRESENT Blessing, and I am grateful.

As we approach our holiday season, we cherish this special time to celebrate with friends and family both near and far. For some, it may only be by phone or a brief visit – but it is always extra special this time of year.

PPF: Past, Present, Future. No matter what your faith or belief, Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful…thankful not only for blessings bestowed upon us from the Past, but also blessings in the Present and the Future.

Ever notice how sometimes things just seem to take on a life of their own and “fall into place”? Those are subtle blessings. And our blessings are endless. That $1 bill you found blowing around on the sidewalk – that routine health checkup that came out “all ok,” those meals you eat every day – that bed you sleep on – that roof over your head. All blessings.

Start your day with a positive note to help carry you forward. Begin your day with thankfulness – be thankful for Past blessings and the Present blessings of the new day. Be thankful for untold Future blessings that lie ahead.

Many folks right now are being treated to the stellar beauty of autumn – colors bursting forth that are so vibrant they can literally take our breath away. Take a good, long look before all those leaves come down – but for now, autumn with its vibrant palette is a true blessing. Take a few moments to revel in the crispness in the air – it’s refreshing, rejuvenating, reviving.

Celebrate fall and Thanksgiving as a time of thankfulness and transition. Now is a good time to reflect on all your blessings from the past and celebrate your current blessings. Look ahead as 2021 (another tough year) winds down and 2022 sneaks in. End your year on a positive note and look forward to unseen blessings to come in the future.

Got friends? Be thankful. Got family? Be thankful. Got shoes on your feet? Be thankful. Got a job? Be thankful. Got a loving pet? Be thankful. Are you surviving life’s ups and downs (as brutal as they may be)? Be thankful. If you are reading this post it means you’ve been blessed with yet another day. Be thankful. Remember, every day is a gift, a blessing, from God .

Happy Thanksgiving. May God bless you and your loved ones and let us all be grateful for PPF Blessings.