God’s Lantern: A Beacon of Hope

Fall is upon us. The days are getting shorter – darkness falls earlier. But even in the darkness, God shines His lantern. His lantern will always light the way. His lantern is always a beacon of hope.

For many of us, the days seem to fly by– maybe because we’re older, maybe because we’re busier, maybe because problems can seem so insurmountable – so many reasons come into play. But as the saying goes: time stands still for no one.

That’s why it’s more important than ever not to waste precious time. We are all put on this earth for a reason. Some of us are fortunate enough to already know “the reason.” Some of us are still searching for “the reason.” Others just shrug it off – they don’t believe or just don’t care.

I watched a male nurse at my local hospital go to great lengths to make sure an elderly couple, both with disabilities, got extra care and attention. They were a frail couple clinging to each other in mutual support and they were scared. He slowly and carefully explained to them about the test the woman had just had. He praised the woman for going through a difficult test with flying colors. The sad and distressed couple looked up at the nurse and broke into a smile – their fear and apprehension disappeared.

This nurse went way above his job description. He could have just given them basic info and sent them on their way. But he knew they were frightened and didn’t leave their side until he escorted them safely onto a shuttle bus to the parking garage.

When he escorted me to the test room, I told him his caring and compassion was so genuine, that he was a credit to his profession. He got teary-eyed and told me how I made his day. He said his job wasn’t always easy, but he loved it and knew this was the “reason” why he was put on this earth. He told me he started every day anxious to help someone – he wanted to make a difference, even if it was a small one. It’s a good way for each of us to feel when we wake up.

Circling back, we are all put on this earth for a reason. You want reasons? YOU can turn someone’s bad day into a good day. Sometimes just being a good listener and/or offering words of understanding and hope can mean so much to someone going through a rough patch.

Sometimes we are needed by friends, neighbors or family members. In today’s world, sometimes monetary help is needed. Sometimes volunteers are needed. Food banks need help. Places that provide hurricane and disaster relief need help. Homeless shelters need help. Animal shelters need help. Churches need volunteers. Folks with disabilities need rides to get to doctor’s appointments. You can help a sick or home-bound neighbor by bringing them a cooked meal and checking on them. The list is quite endless, you get the drift!

Even the most simple acts of kindness can be re-assuring to folks down on their luck. Words are powerful. They can fill others with hope.

Just as God’s Lantern shines a beacon of hope down on all of us, we all have the ability to literally be a beacon of light and bring hope to someone else.

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