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God Is Our Rock: This Is How We Roll

God has always been our rock. We don’t see Him floating about– in fact, we don’t see Him at all. But He is always there – and whether we realize it or not, He is always within our grasp – we just need to reach out especially when things get tough.

Life can be oh so challenging, so it’s important to stay spiritually focused and remind ourselves every day that He is here to listen and to guide us. He is always willing to help us work through the toughest decisions – we just need to ask for His help. But remember, just because we believe in God, doesn’t mean we don’t have to try to solve our own problems or to take the bull by the horns – we aren’t meant to be complacent – we are meant to be pro-active and work through our problems with His help.

God should be our rock – and that is how we should roll. Thanking Him in our daily prayers for blessings past, present and future – thanking Him for yet another day of life – another chance to succeed, another chance to live, another chance to love and another chance to learn.

When you roll with God you never roll alone even in your darkest days. And when you’re not alone, you know you can get through the worst of times. And when things are going well, be thankful, and never take them for granted.

For example, our area was recently hit with a pretty hefty snowstorm – temperatures were frigid and many folks lost a day or two of power. Thankfully my power stayed on – and while I wasn’t happy with several downed trees, I realized they came mighty close (within inches) of crashing through my dining room and kitchen windows. When the snow let up, I went outside with coffee in hand, brushed off my favorite garden bench – stared at the damaged tree cleanup I was facing and said to God: Thank you for keeping me safe and warm during the storm and for not letting the trees break through my house. Yes, it’s “cleanup on Aisle one,” outside, but it could have been so much worse.

The morning after the big snowstorm, my neighbor came out and shoveled my sidewalk. He refused to take any money and said he did it because he just didn’t want me to slip and fall. Then he went across the street to my other senior neighbors and shoveled their sidewalk too!

When I was outside picking up my snowbound newspaper, a neighbor I didn’t know drove up to me, rolled down his window and asked if I was ok now that the storm has moved on. Then he said he was going to the grocery store and asked if I needed any groceries. I had never met this neighbor before – yet, he was concerned and thoughtful enough to make sure I didn’t need anything. That night I thanked God again, this time for having such wonderful and caring neighbors – what a blessing!

Be the best you can be every day no matter what. Some folks never get another day – if you got it, use it to the maximum degree – be kind and thoughtful to others, lend a neighborly hand and appreciate all the things that your life has to offer. And when folks show kindness towards you, be thankful.

When you roll with God in your every day life, blessings both great and small will come your way. God is solid – solid as a rock because He IS our rock.