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Go With God’s Guidance

Life can always be challenging. It can be like a roller coaster ride filled with ups and downs. Other times, it’s like a rowboat on a quiet pristine lake — calm and soothing.

Yes, life has a way of taking our well-laid out plans and then pulling the rug out from under us. The older I get, the more I realize that no matter what we “think” will happen and what “really” happens don’t always match!

Even when things are going according to plan, sometimes that well-designed plan that you feel so strongly about, starts getting revised (through no fault of your own). Circumstances change, sometimes in the blink of an eye. But no matter what, you become bound and determined to stick with the original plan and get it back on track – the way “you” designed it!

But God is ever vigilant. Sometimes he needs to alter even our “best plans.” While these alterations aren’t what we initially envisioned, He’s altering our plans for a reason. We may not know what the reason is right now – maybe not even in a week, a month or even a year from now. But at some point, we realize that we are all asked to do the best we can, plan as best we can, and listen closely for His guidance.

The saying “when one door closes, another opens” is a prime example of God’s way of providing us with changes and alterations throughout our lifetime. We may have a plan – but many times He’s going to do a “nip and tuck” to it. Sometimes it may even be a radical change. Other times He might give us a “backup plan” or even a brand “new” plan.

Day after day He is watching over all of us, guiding us through this thing known as life. Plans and goals are good. They help us stay focused and help make things easier. While life gives us no guarantees, God does. He is always present.

Take some time out of your busy day to say a quiet prayer. Be thankful for all His blessings and His 24/7 guidance during good times as well as bad times. Unforeseen changes may be blessings in disguise.

When God alters your plans, in spite of your very best efforts – God has a reason. Pay attention, reflect on the changes and go in peace with His guidance.