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Ann I. Wonder


Four years ago I left my 40 yr. career in marketing.  It was bittersweet.  While I adored my employers and the wonderful people I’ve worked with over the years (not to mention a steady income), I knew it was time to move on to something completely new – at 62 it was time to re-calibrate my life. 

After spending my career interacting with women in their 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and older, I couldn’t help but notice that while a lot of women were happy to just retire and take it easy, there were just as many who were anxious to re-start a new job or career – age was not an issue.  And while no one is thrilled to get older, there is a lot to be said for the knowledge we accrue year after year.   Many folks in their senior years grabbed the bull by the horns and wouldn’t let anyone stop them from pursuing their dreams.  Some opened restaurants, others quaint retail shops – some became consultants, etc.  The one thing I admired about all these older entrepreneurs was their energy and gusto, and the fact that they never let their biological age stop them. 

The story behind this blog:  When I was 50 years old, I was in my local shoe store debating a pair of black leather boots with tiny gold studs and a bit of a high heel.  I couldn’t help but overhear an adorable little girl talking to her mom.  The little girl was proudly holding up a pair of high heels for her mom and said:  “Mommy, mommy, these shoes would look so nice on you.”  The mom looked down at her and sweetly replied, “Mommy just turned 40, so she can’t wear high heels anymore.”

Needless to say, I was appalled and had to hold myself back!  Seriously – you wake up one day and because you hit the big 4-0, you’ve given up your high heels?  Huh?  Overnight, this women let her age stop her from ever wearing heels every again!

Time stands still for no one.  As we get older, it becomes more important than ever to streamline and simplify our lives so we can move on to bigger and better things – like fulfilling our dreams. It was then I decided to start this blog, Wonder Women Sixty.   

Nothing on this blog is difficult or complicated.  The blog was aimed at women who were getting older and still burning with new ideas and goals – women who were balls of fire.  The blog’s purpose was to provide ideas to make their life a bit easier — simple health tips, easy DIY projects, easy gardening and nature tips, easy recipes, book reviews, concert reviews, inspirational posts to help keep them focused and more.  

But a funny thing happened in the last four years.  The blog became extremely popular with both men and women — and not just older men and women, but younger folks as well.   I finally realized that while the “oldies music” category did not appeal to a 20 or 30-year old, the health category, book reviews, style category, easy DIY projects, and inspirational posts did!  

So, to everyone who visits my site, I thank you!  I hope I have achieved my goal of bringing you (no matter your age or gender) easy positive ideas and easy lifestyle tips.  YES, I use the words “simple” and “easy” constantly – keeping your life simple and easy allows you to concentrate on the more important things in your life.  As Jerry Lee Lewis would say:  Goodness gracious, great balls of fire!   Be that fireball and burn, baby burn!


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